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3 Ways To Make Your Plank Exercise Effective To Avoid Bleeding Strength

3 Ways To Make Your Plank Exercise Effective To Avoid Bleeding Strength

  1. Do you perform the plank exercise on a regular basis? 
  2. So when performing the plank exercise do you focus on the length of time to gauge intensity? 
  3. Is your plank variation causing you to bleed power during the movement? 

If you regularly include the plank exercise into your training then today I want to offer a different perspective on how you can shift your focus when utilizing this movement for strength. So one common issue with many people when performing certain strength movements is the inability to stabilize the core during certain points of physical exertion. If you’re unable to properly activate your core center then you’re going to bleed power. Thus your strength will suffer as you go to exert yourself for various movements and activities. This is why the plank exercise can be of great value. So today I want to point to three ways you can use the plank to make sure you don’t bleed strength.

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4 Killer Medicine Ball Drills For MMA Fight Strength

4 Killer Medicine Ball Drills For MMA Fight Strength

  1. Are you currently looking for some unique strength drills to enhance your MMA fight strength? 
  2. Do you currently incorporate a strength and conditioning program for your MMA fight performance? 
  3. Are you currently training with medicine balls for your fight strength and performance? 
  4. So are you looking to build power, speed, and reaction time for your MMA fight strength? 

One of the most overlooked hidden treasures in many gyms these days are medicine balls. Medicine ball training is one of the most overlooked training implements when it comes to building power and athleticism. This is because most people don’t really know how to leverage this awesome training device. So when it comes to fight strength and performance I’m here to tell you that this can serve you well.

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8 Steps To Supercharging Your MMA Fitness

8 Steps To Supercharging Your MMA Fitness

  1. Are you looking to ramp up your fitness and performance for MMA? 
  2. Are you interested in enhancing your athleticism and ability for martial arts? 
  3. Are you looking to supercharge your strength and conditioning for MMA? 
  4. Are you looking to speed up and improve your abilities for MMA and fighting?

If you’re serious about ramping up your MMA fitness then you’ve got to be willing to approach your training in order to be more athletic specific to the needs of your sport, or lifestyle. The key to improving your performance in MMA, or any form of martial arts for that matter, is making sure you are training your body in a way to meet the needs of fighting. Today I’m going to cover 8 steps here for you to improve your MMA fitness and performance.

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Top 5 Plyometric Drills For MMA Fitness

Top 5 Plyometric Drills For MMA Fitness

1. Are you familiar with plyometric drills and what they do for your physical fitness and performance? 

2. Are you currently incorporating a safe and effective progression of plyometric drills into your MMA, Combat, and Fitness training? 

3. If you are incorporating plyometric drills into your MMA and Combat training are you properly initiating the Stretch Shortening Cycle (SSC)? 

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Killing Strength: Your Smart Phone Is Killing Your Gains!

Killing Strength: Your Smart Phone Is Killing Your Gains!

If you’ve been following my social media for any length of time you’ve probably noticed that I frequently point out certain distractions that the general public engages in way too much in this day and age. These distractions are specific behaviors that have without a doubt dumbed down the general population and may very well be killing everyone’s gains!

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