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Shoulder Integrity: Priming And Strengthening Your Shoulders For Performance

Shoulder Integrity: Priming And Strengthening Your Shoulders For Performance

  1. Are you experiencing tightness and immobility in your shoulders? 
  2. Do you experience shoulder pain on a regular basis? 
  3. Are you currently using any exercises to prime your shoulders for movement prior to your training? 
  4. Do you want to learn how to develop and maintain healthy strong shoulders for the long haul? 

Are you looking for a better plan for strengthening your shoulders? When it comes to training these days many people really have to work to prime their bodies before they can even get into the driver’s seat to start doing any work. Since the career world has transitioned to including jobs where sitting has taken precedence over physical activity the need for priming the body for movement is a bigger deal now more than ever.

We can couple this with the fact that technology has also created an entire generation of lazy individuals that have lost a great deal of function in their bodies. This is the case due to many people developing postural imbalances and weaknesses from crouching over and looking at computer screens and handheld devices for the majority of the day. Because of this coaches and trainers have to constantly battle through these issues on a regular basis. Today I want to talk about some ways we can enhance your shoulder integrity and prime and strengthen this mobile joint for other more useful activity compared to just holding and reading your cellphone.

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Honing Strength: The Importance Of Reaction And Coordinated Movement

Honing Strength: The Importance Of Reaction And Coordinated Movement

True strength is about honing your physical skills by being able to control and coordinate your body through certain actions. This ability to coordinate your strength is something that is necessary for everyday function, particularly if your everyday activity involves significant use of your body. In life or death the ability to hone and coordinate your physical strength can make all the difference in the world.

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Devolving Strength: The Lost Meaning Of Earning

Devolving Strength: The Lost Meaning Of Earning

There is a raging fire within some of us. Some of us have a desire to push and to discover what we can do with our minds and bodies in different scenarios. The essential trait for nurturing such a spirit, or desire is patience and persistence. Patience and persistence are dying traits in today’s world…and at the same time so is the characteristic of quality. When it comes to strength this is certainly the case.

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The Invisible Man: The Plight Of The Strength Coach

The Invisible Man: The Plight Of The Strength Coach

Over my 15 year career I’ve had a great deal of experience with recognizing the bread and butter of what makes an athlete, or trainee successful. The thing is that I’ve always explained to parents, trainees, and other sport specific coaches (the coaches of the specific sport being played) that my job is to not specifically make the individual a better baseball player, a better football player, or a better fighter. My job is to make that individual a better athlete…period! By doing this they will excel at their relative sport, or physical life demands.

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The Athletic Conditioning Goal: Why Simple Structured Conditioning Is Best

The Athletic Conditioning Goal: Why Simple Structured Conditioning Is Best

I remember hearing this quote once that was referencing how to come out on top during competition. It was in reference to being successful. The quote said “You only have to work a little harder than the next guy. You only have to work a little smarter than the next guy.” I don’t recall the origin of this quote, but despite its obvious nature the truth is very loud in this statement.

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