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This Is What You Didn’t Know About Efficient HIIT Workouts

This Is What You Didn’t Know About Efficient HIIT Workouts

  1. Are you currently incorporating HIIT workouts into your training, or are you thinking about starting? 
  2. Do you know the real benefits of HIIT workouts? 
  3. Are you interested in transforming your body while being time efficient with your HIIT workouts?

Time efficient HIIT workouts have a lot of benefits to help you get in some quality conditioning and training. Though a good HIIT workout needs to be intelligently programmed if you have covered your bases on this then there are some tremendous benefits to you with this form of training.

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Sprint Workout Progression For Your HIIT Training

Sprint Workout Progression For Your HIIT Training

So I pulled today’s article out of the archives because it has gotten some attention over the course of 2018 so I figured it would be a good one to show you here in 2019! The original publishing date of today’s article was back on April 3, 2018.

If you are looking to upgrade your HIIT workouts then there is no better way to do so than to include some sprinting into the equation. Make sure you read through this one carefully and apply these strategies to your HIIT workouts. Read and apply!

  1. Do you currently include sprinting as part of your HIIT conditioning? 
  2. Are you “sprint functional” in your conditioning? 
  3. Do you have a practical and safe progression in place to build up your sprint workout? 

If you are not including sprint work into your conditioning program then you need to take the time to reconsider. If you aren’t sure about how to go about progressing up to a sprint workout program then this article will provide you with some insight. Get ready to buckle that chinstrap and get to work.

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How Sprinting Can Help Build Lean Muscle Mass

How Sprinting Can Help Build Lean Muscle Mass

  1. Are you looking to incorporate sprinting into your training program?
  2. Are you looking to build lean muscle faster?
  3. Are you interested in speeding up your recovery?
  4. Are you familiar with anaerobic work capacity?
  5. Are you looking for a way to give your conditioning a significant upgrade? 

When it comes to looking at what works in terms of  building lean muscle mass I’m always quick to point out what the evidence shows. If you’re not convinced that sprinting can build muscle, or contribute to the development of lean muscle then just take a look at people that do it for sport and competition.

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5 Lesser Known Benefits Of HIIT Workouts

5 Lesser Known Benefits of HIIT Workouts

  1. Are you currently looking for a more impactful and challenging way to train?
  2. Do you currently engage in HIIT workouts?
  3. Do you gauge your training based on results?

One method of training that has always been a prescription for training in my camp involves the application of HIIT workouts. HIIT stands for High Intensity Interval Training and is pronounced “hit.” The name is cool and the impact of this style of training lives up to the name.

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The 20/20 Kettlebell HIIT Workout For Shredded Muscle

The 20/20 Kettlebell HIIT Workout For Shredded Muscle

  1. Are you interested in building lean muscle?
  2. Do you have an interest in supercharging your fitness program?
  3. Are you interesting in a simple and highly impactful HIIT workout that you can do utilizing the kettlebell?
  4. Are you interested in time efficiency?

Have you tried a kettlebell HIIT workout? So as a strength and conditioning coach I’m all about hitting heavy lifts and building strength. However there are times when you mentally and physically have to challenge yourself. Therefore there are times when you have to challenge your fitness. Certainly, there are times when simplicity is necessary for you to get in a day’s work. So on these days the goal for you should be about work output. As a result all your thinking should be limited to hammering away at the one or two tasks at hand for some serious volume. Therefore, this is precisely the goal for today’s training.

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