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4 Killer Medicine Ball Drills For MMA Fight Strength

4 Killer Medicine Ball Drills For MMA Fight Strength

The original publishing date of today’s article was back on July 30, 2018, but I thought today was a good day to bring this particular piece out of the archives.

Over my career I’ve come to realize that a lot of fighters starting out tend to enjoy being garage gym warriors when it comes to getting in their strength training outside of the fight school. So for today’s topic of discussion I wanted to bring this article to the forefront as I know it will help you if you happen to fall into that category of being a garage gym warrior…whether you’re a fighter, or not.

Read and apply!

  1. Are you currently looking for some unique strength drills to enhance your MMA fight strength? 
  2. Are you currently incorporating a strength and conditioning program for your MMA fight performance? 
  3. Do you currently train with medicine balls for your fight strength and performance? 
  4. Are you looking to build power, speed, and reaction time for your MMA fight strength? 

One of the most overlooked hidden treasures in many gyms these days are medicine balls. Medicine ball training is one of the most overlooked training implements when it comes to building power and athleticism because most people don’t really know how to leverage this awesome training implement. When it comes to fight strength and performance I’m here to tell you that this training implement can serve your fight performance well. As a result I’m going to show you how to do that here in this article!

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Are You Optimizing Your HGH For Health And Performance?

Are You Optimizing Your HGH For Health And Performance?

  1. Are you familiar with all the purposes of HGH? 
  2. Are you living a lifestyle to optimize your body’s natural production of HGH? 
  3. Do you fear that your HGH levels are diminishing as you age? 
  4. Are you training your body to optimally produce HGH?

So check this out…Human Growth Hormone (HGH) is a vital hormone produced in your pituitary gland. HGH plays a key role in growth (obviously), but it is also vital in determining your overall body composition, cell repair, and your metabolism.

With that being said much of the reason strong athletes are strong is because they produce an optimal range of HGH due to their training and lifestyle. Today I want to cover this along with giving you the tools to supercharge your body’s natural production of HGH.

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Are Pull-Ups Bad For Your Training?

Are Pull-Ups Bad For Your Training?

  1. Does it seem pull-ups have been causing you pain and discomfort lately? 
  2. Do you suffer from shoulder pain and discomfort? 
  3. Are you doing pull-ups on a frequent basis? 

So I know you read that title and thought, “What is coach talking about?” The short answer is No…pull-ups are not bad for you, but poor programming can be very bad for you.

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Multi-Planar Movement: Are You Guilty Movement Limitation?

Multi-Planar Movement: Are You Guilty Movement Limitation?

  1. Are you limiting your physical potential? 
  2. Is your training program dynamic and designed to cover all of the bases to achieve optimal fitness and physical function? 
  3. Are you hitting plateaus with your fitness and strength?

Are you training with multi-planar movement. Look I know it’s easy to fall into a rut. When it comes to building strength this is something that can happen and affect a number of variables in your training and life if you have made such a mistake. Today I want to talk about a way you can avoid this mistake and take the bull by the horns in order to correct it if you are guilty of it.

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