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Corrective Hip Strengthening

Corrective Hip Strengthening

By: Ryan Krane, MS, CPT, PES, CES Founder, Get My Body Better Online Series The Krane Training Method™ Strengthening one’s hip muscles is extremely important to having total body strength, for eliminating aches and pains, and for preventing injuries. The hip…

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Train For Your Sport…Not Just In Your Sport

Train For Your Sport…Not Just In Your Sport

Today the BRF discussion is going to be driven in a slightly different direction. Today I’m going to address the difference between athletes that train FOR their sport and athletes that just train IN their sport. There is a major difference in the two scenarios because the outcomes are proven. Keep on reading to learn more!

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Get Strong First!

Get Strong First!

We don’t have to be overly scientific when looking to train our bodies. In order to grow and to become stronger all it takes is some effort and a little common sense. People today want to read article after article on the “science” of training and honestly I think there is too much damn thinking and not enough effort with a lot of these people. No matter what just work to get strong first!

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The Committed Vs. The Uncommitted

The Committed vs. The Uncommitted

Today the BRF blog is diving into a topic that makes or breaks just about every endeavor, or pursuit you will ever have in life. This is something that I’m very passionate about and it involves the committed vs. the uncommitted.

For starters, I am always excited and honored to meet committed individuals that will set their sights on a goal and will be consistent in every way to pursue it. I always welcome this company, but then again there is always the other side of the coin! 

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An Intro To Indian Club Training

An Intro To Indian Club Training

Guest Post By: Don Giafardino

Indian club training is one of the oldest forms of exercise. Ancient warriors used clubs in battle and then discovered that by practicing swinging the club it made them stronger and faster.

Fast forward to the late 1800s/early 1900s when almost every gymnasium had an array of different weight clubs made from wood for students to use in training. Sometime later, in the 1940s they fell out of sight, most likely in favor of barbells and dumbbells.

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