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3 Ways To Make Your Plank Exercise Effective To Avoid Bleeding Strength

3 Ways To Make Your Plank Exercise Effective To Avoid Bleeding Strength

The original publishing date of today’s article was back on July 31, 2018.

I realize this article isn’t that old, but I’ve also recently noticed a lot of people online misusing and abusing the plank exercise. The key to building strength is producing tension.

When you produce tension you create force and force is the element needed for you to produce power. The plank exercise is commonly used in your Saturday morning bootcamps, but I rarely see it done the way it should be done. Read and apply this strategy to your workouts! Make sure to share this article with friends, family, and neighbors that attend those Saturday morning bootcamps so they are aware of what they’re missing.

  1. Do you perform the plank exercise on a regular basis? 
  2. So when performing the plank exercise do you focus on the length of time to gauge intensity? 
  3. Is your plank variation causing you to bleed power during the movement? 

If you regularly include the plank exercise into your training then today I want to offer a different perspective on how you can shift your focus when utilizing this movement for strength. So one common issue with many people when performing certain strength movements is the inability to stabilize the core during certain points of physical exertion. If you’re unable to properly activate your core center then you’re going to bleed power. Thus your strength will suffer as you go to exert yourself for various movements and activities. This is why the plank exercise can be of great value. So today I want to point to three ways you can use the plank to make sure you don’t bleed strength.

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3 Ways To Make Your Plank Exercise Effective To Avoid Bleeding Strength

3 Ways To Make Your Plank Exercise Effective To Avoid Bleeding Strength

  1. Do you perform the plank exercise on a regular basis? 
  2. So when performing the plank exercise do you focus on the length of time to gauge intensity? 
  3. Is your plank variation causing you to bleed power during the movement? 

If you regularly include the plank exercise into your training then today I want to offer a different perspective on how you can shift your focus when utilizing this movement for strength. So one common issue with many people when performing certain strength movements is the inability to stabilize the core during certain points of physical exertion. If you’re unable to properly activate your core center then you’re going to bleed power. Thus your strength will suffer as you go to exert yourself for various movements and activities. This is why the plank exercise can be of great value. So today I want to point to three ways you can use the plank to make sure you don’t bleed strength.

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