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Atlanta MMA: Superb Strength Training Tactics For MMA Fighters!

Atlanta MMA: Superb Strength Training Tactics For MMA Fighters!

MMA BIGSHOW DOMINATION by John Barrie Photography

Atlanta MMA Strength And Conditioning…

If you are a fighter or train in the world of MMA then you understand the physical demands that you undergo when in training and especially when competing. The real way to kick butt and take names in the sport of MMA is making sure that your strength training program is sound and solid my friend. Keep on reading if I have your attention.

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Fat People In Fat Health Clubs…

Fat People In Fat Health Clubs…

Ok so most of the time I like to dish out informative training programs, lifting techniques, and workouts that I hope would make the likes of agent 007 proud to participate, but today I’m going to break away from the mold for a moment.  This country (The U.S.) is fatter, lazier, and softer than ever.  Thats right, I said it! Ole’ BR is going on a soapbox today!


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Kettlebells For The Teenage Youth Athlete!

Kettlebells For the Teenage Youth Athlete!

  1. Are you a teenage athlete looking to take your strength and performance to the next level with your sport? 
  2. Are you the parent of a teenage athlete and wondering what to do to make your kid better on the field of play? 
  3. Are you a kid that really wants to get better with your sport, or competition, but are just not sure what to do next in order to be competitive with your friends? 

Whether you are a teenage youth athlete reading this or you are the parent of a youth teenage athlete you need to consider seeking out help to hone your skills with the use of kettlebell training. 

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3 Ways To Construct An Athletic Functional Body For Optimal Fitness

3 Ways To Construct An Athletic Functional Body For Optimal Fitness

  1. Are you interested in learning how to develop an athletic functional body? 
  2. Are you training your body in a way to be optimally functional for any sport or life situation? 
  3. Are you curious as to how you can improve your training to help you move with greater control and confidence? 
  4. Are you training your body to be able to last over the long haul? 

The pursuit of an athletic functional body is a solid plan. I had a friend the other day that was just starting back into working out and he was asking me “what is the best thing for me to do to get back into shape?” I proceeded to tell him that he needs to start training like an athlete again. Why, he asked? I followed up by asking him at what point in his life was he in the greatest shape to which he replied “when I was doing preseason workouts for football in college.” I rest my case. 

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