The Best Exercises For Volleyball!
Strength and conditioning for volleyball is a must if you plan on being competitive in today’s game. In order to be successful on the volleyball court you have got to have a smart strength and conditioning program set in place. I have included a great kettlebell lift here that is a basic lift when using the kettlebell and translates really well over into the volleyball arena.
The Double-Arm Kettlebell Swing: For the volleyball player looking to launch his or her game into another arena you have got to learn how to execute the double arm kettlebell swing. This particular exercise is perfect for helping you to develop a powerful core and explosive legs and hips that you obviously have to have when performing in your sport. The double arm swing is performed by you picking the kettlebell up from the ground from between your legs.
Essentially you have to build momentum to swing the bell from between your legs all the way up to chest level by executing a hip snap motion by flexing and extending both your hips and knees. This momentum will enable you to swing the kettlebell in an arc type motion back and forth while integrating hundreds of muscles and conditioning you for optimal total body fitness. If you don’t take the time to at least consider learning this dynamic lift then you are cheating yourself and your game.

If you want to take your volleyball game to the next level then you have got to adopt the kettlebell my friends. Take the time to learn and train hard. Enjoy my friends!
To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at: http://www.efandps.com
To be one of my members and to receive more tips on INSANE BODY CONSTRUCTION please visit me at:http://www.efandps.com/www.efandps.com/Brandons_Members_Newsletter.html I’m Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro! |