The Kettlebell – 2 Exercises to Annihilate Unwanted Body-Fat!
By now if you have read my materials you know that there are literally hundreds of different ways to train your body. You may or may not know that there are hundreds of different exercises that you can do with kettlebells to develop an extraordinarily fit body. Check out these following 2 exercises that you can include into your own personal program to give you an edge that you probably would have never thought possible!
1. The Clean, Press, And Walk: For this particular kettlebell exercise you will need a flat open space. Begin the drill by cleaning the bell to your chest and pressing it overhead. Lock your elbow out and suck your shoulder into the socket. This is very important when executing this drill. Next, with the bell overhead walk a designated distance that you have marked beforehand. If you want to challenge yourself try to execute the overhead loaded walk for about a 30 to 40 yard distance. You will quickly see how intense and exerting this drill can be and result in getting rid of the fat!
2. Clean and Jerk: This is an olympic-style lift that you can execute with the kettlebell. You simply want to execute the lift by cleaning the bell to your chest and then initiate a hip snap to propel the kettlebell vertically above your head in a pressed position. Both your elbow and shoulder should be locked into position at the top the movement. To challenge yourself use a moderately heavy weight and attempt to execute up to about 10 repetitions on each arm. You can do the lift with either a single bell or duel bells if you like.
To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at: http://www.efandps.com |