The Toughest Mudder…With Your Help!
As you may already know I had a couple of students and good friends of mine compete in the Tough Mudder back in February here in Georgia. They both qualified for the World’s Toughest Mudder! If you aren’t familiar with what all the Tough Mudder adventure race is all about and more about my competing students Jeff and Dan then you can read more about that right here. Now if you are up to speed with that then I’ll proceed to continue to get you further up to speed about what all is going on.
The World’s Toughest Mudder…Only With Your Help!
Ok, so my students Jeff and Dan got on the Ole BR strength and conditioning program and put forth 110% effort. That is, of course, if you believe putting forth 10 more percent of 100% is even possible. I think it was Vince Lombardi that believed this to be possible of every man and if Vince believed it then I believe it. At any rate these guys put in the sweat and went down to the Georgia Tough Mudder with a couple thousand more people and performed like a couple of champs. They both qualified for the World’s Toughest Mudder (Top 5%), but only one of them (Jeff) is going to be able to attend. By the way Jeff was the 3rd person out of about 1300 competitors to cross the finish line on their race day.

Now once again there are many challenges that lie ahead for Jeff before he even gets to the World’s Toughest Mudder which is going to be held in New Jersey in November! Geez, I’m feeling cold and miserable just thinking about it. Yes, there are going to be mud and water obstacles and this is a 24 hour race! That’s right, the whole thing is 24 hours of running, climbing, crawling, mudding, swimming, and trying to regain the feeling back in the extremities for 24 straight hours! This is NO joke. It’s very serious which is why I am already working on the details to get the ball rolling with getting his body ready for this extremely vigorous event.
Jeff is a very good friend of mine and is one of my most committed students. He is totally committed to the whole thing, but he is going to need some help getting to New Jersey. Due to the fact that he is a self employed family man and runs a business to where he is pretty much a one man show the race will require him to miss some work if he is to commit to it. The training, nutrition, and being able to afford the cost of travel and the admission fees for the event is proving to be a challenge before the challenge.
This is why I am hitting you up about all these details in this latest blogisode. Jeff”s wife has kindly taken some time to set up a donation page to help him out with this journey. I know him and he is a man of good character. This is solely to help him get to the race and cover his expenses devoted to the point of the event. Keep in mind to that the more competitors the better because this event benefits the Wounded Warrior Project. This is certainly a valuable cause! If you are interested in helping please feel free to donate to the cause. Every little bit helps.
Also if you are interesting in learning more about how I go about training someone to qualify for the Toughest Mudder and acquire that level of physical prowess then you can start peaking behind the curtain by getting your own copy of my Better Than Steroids ebook right here!
In addition to this if you happen to be a fan of the Kindle you can always sign up to subscribe to my blog on Amazon right here! Now I can infiltrate your digital reader for yet another platform of harassment. Keep training smart my friend.