How Many Times A Week Should You Train Deadlifts And Squats?
- Are you looking to significantly improve your deadlifts and squats?
- How frequently are you practicing your deadlifts and squats?
- Are you wondering if it’s possible to practice deadlifts and squats multiple days a week?
- How many days a week can you practice your deadlifts and squats without overtraining?
The short answer here is that it’s possible for you to perform deadlifts and squats up to 4 to 6 days a week. As a concrete real world example the world’s strongest man and legendary strongman performer Paul Anderson has been documented squatting up to 5 days a week.
Now even though Paul Anderson was the world’s strongest man and could squat up to 5 days a week this doesn’t mean that you wouldn’t be capable of such frequency yourself. It really just depends on your own personal goals and how much time and energy you’re willing and capable of devoting to the cause.
Deadlifts And Squats: Undulating Your Intensity
So I know what you’re thinking…Coach how is it possible to squat and/or deadlift that much without overtraining? What about recovery?
This is a great question and you do want to factor in recovery by training smart whether you’re squatting and deadlifting twice a week, or 4 times a week.
The way to incorporate smart training in order to allow for adequate recovery is by undulating your lifting intensity. So how does this work?
Well to simplify this let’s say you’re looking at squatting twice a week.
For the sake of argument let’s say you’re performing squats on Mondays and Thursdays. This is a good split to give you a couple days of recovery between your heavier squat days.
Now to progress your squatting frequency you want to do so by undulating your intensity. When I say undulating imagine a wavelength where there are high points in the wave and low points in the wave.
The wave represents working intensity (in this case the amount of weight being lifted). Since there are high points and low points in the wave (heavy days and lighter days) you want to structure your weekly training accordingly.
One good way to undulate your intensity if you’re squatting on Mondays and Thursdays is to lift more for hypertrophy and endurance on Monday and to switch gears to lift for more strength and power on Thursday.
To get a better understanding on how many reps you need to do this I have clarified all of this in another article here.
Deadlifts And Squats: Practice Regularly
I know your question revolves around both squatting and deadlifting, but it might be more difficult to practice the deadlift on a more frequent basis without the access to an actual gym with barbells and other equipment that you can use for the deadlift.
Regardless you can practice squatting by simply implementing regular bodyweight squats throughout the course of the week just to maintain the movement and to keep your body sharp and accustomed to doing it.
You can perform bodyweight squats everyday and you don’t have to try to bury yourself in the ground with insane volume either. Just use your off lifting days to practice performing bodyweight squats to keep yourself sharp and dialed in to performing the movement. When doing this focus more on becoming proficient with the movement rather than high volume, or intensity. Consistency is best.
The more you get accustomed to doing this then the more you can escalate the volume of squatting with heavier loads more frequently…just the way Paul Anderson did when he worked up to squatting 5 days a week.
Once again it just depends on how much time and energy you want to devote to the cause. If you want to get significantly stronger and significantly better at squatting and deadlifting then simply practice more!
Deadlifts And Squats: The Takeaway
So at the end of the day if you can perform your deadlifts and squats with a high volume training most days of the week if you make it your goal to do so and you adopt the method of approach I’ve outlined for you here in this article.
How many days a week do you perform these lifts now?
Which lift are you trying to get strongest at doing?
Post up and share in the comments here below.
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