Women’s Health – 3 Reasons Women Should Train With Kettlebells!
Ladies it is no secret that exercise improves everyone’s health and total well-being. However, the term “exercise” can be used rather loosely when referring to what really works in terms of your OPTIMAL health and fitness!
For starters, if you consider exercise taking a stroll around the block with your friend, family member, or neighbor then you would be right. This is no doubt a form of exercise, but the question is “Is this considered exercise that would be OPTIMAL for your health?” I want to introduce to you an ancient device that has been field tested and proven for supreme human health, fitness, and strength for over three centuries; the kettlebell. Check out the following 3 reasons as to why you should train with this ancient device.
1. Superior Strength: Ladies, I often find that women get a bit “nervous” or are “turned off” whenever I mention a word or phrase like superior strength. The fact is that strength is the necessary trait for anyone to perform any given task. Without strength you cannot effectively perform work and therefore you cannot get the most out of your fitness program. Kettlebells are a tremendous tool for you to achieve strength and total-body control giving you an optimal level of it for you to be as fit as possible. I’m not talking about bodybuilding or trying to build “big” muscles. Even if I was the female body doesn’t develop those huge muscles because the female body is incapable of doing so without a direct aid from some outside agent. Female bodybuilders train specifically for that very purpose to be huge, but the fact is that there aren’t many of them around and most of them use some performance enhancing agent to aid them with gaining that look. Strength is your goal here.
2. Superior Cardiovascular Fitness: The kettlebell certainly will build you a heart that can be as strong as the heart of a lion. This is a massively important detail concerning your health, because of the increasing number of heart health issues that develop in women later on in life. When you swing the kettlebell for the first time you will quickly see just how your heart can become as strong and fit as any other part of your body. Weight-loss, fat-loss, and the doctor telling you that your resting heart rate and blood pressure numbers are that of a competing athlete can feel just as good as fitting into to those old pair of pants! Trust me, you will appreciate this reason especially if you have to look your husband and kids in the face to give them the news after you leave the office. Which doctor’s report would you prefer to give them, the good one or the bad one?
3. Strong Bones: Well, if you are approaching a certain time in your life where “the big change” is around the corner then you are probably aware of the infamous condition of osteoporosis. This reason should really motivate you. Kettlebells are a tremendous body strengthening tool. We now know that PROPER strength training can actually build stronger bones with the stronger muscles. Not only can strength training reduce the risk of osteoporosis, but it can actually REVERSE the process in some cases. Kettlebell exercises, when done properly, can be a woman’s best friend when it comes down to what matters! Ladies what matters is your health. Give it a try and you won’t be disappointed!
To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at: http://www.efandps.com |