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What Is Driving You?

What Is Driving You?

by: Brandon Richey–Get Free Updates And Training Guides Here

What Is Driving You?

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So the other day I overheard a conversation between a couple of college age kids sitting at the local coffee shop. The conversation, in a nutshell, basically consisted of their life plans. I thought that their perspective on this was rather interesting and figured I would share it, along with my perspective, with you. 

What Motivates Or Drives You? 

So these two college kids were basically discussing a field of study to pursue once they entered into their major field in college. They were excited about the possibilities and were going on about how they were ready to get a 9 to 5 job so that they could have money to basically hang out and party with their friends. Wow, as I heard this I got a good chuckle which quickly turned into a small sized bucket of pissed off. 

Here’s why: 

Today’s culture is filled with soft bodied and soft minded individuals who only just want to do enough just to get by. What kind of life is that? There is no room for weakness, yet when I hear someone spit out poison like this I immediately realize why our culture is made up of such a large amount of candy asses. 

Additionally, after listening for just a couple minutes I quickly learned that neither of these two had ever held a real job or had any real job experience. Now I’m just wondering a couple things. Firstly, how is it possible that they had not had job experience and secondly what motivates them to get through life? 

I mean I’ve touched on the meaning of “motivation” as I see it and the problem is that most people are confused about motivation. Give me a moment to elaborate on this a bit further. 



Now as you can see motivation truly is something that has to come from within. I’ve always said that people frequently confuse inspiration and motivation. Inspiration is the shiny new sparkly thing that makes the hair on your neck stand on end and gets you fired up for the moment. However, motivation are all of those early mornings, late evenings, working through the weekends, and blood, sweat, and tears. You see the difference? 

So what motivates someone to only just “do enough?” Honestly I really don’t know the answer to that other than fear. I think people allow fear to creep into their hearts and into their minds and they only just want to do enough up to the point they start feeling uncomfortable. As my friend and colleague Zach Even-Esh says You’ve got to get comfortable with being uncomfortable. That’s just life. 

I hope you enjoyed today’s message and if so please post up below in the comment box. Do you know someone who just tries to do enough to get by and puts limits on themselves? Did you grow out of that situation yourself? I’d love to hear from you. Keep training smart my friend. 

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What Is Driving You?



I'm a Certified Strength And Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) and author. I have had over 17 years experience in MMA fitness, strength and conditoning, and athletic performance for most every sport. As an author and specialist I've written close to a million words on fitness and strength. I'm also a Muay Thai practictioner and enjoy helping others to reach their peak potential through fitness and performance.

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